Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rose Aid

Perfume Delight

Mr. Lincoln


Chrysler Imperial

Our rose garden desperately needs help. I stopped by Daylily hill this week and picked up five new plants selected mostly because of their beautiful aromas and less so because of the blossom characteristics. My favorite of the five is Perfume Delight. Granada is fabulous too because the blossoms last a long while after they're cut.

You have to pick and choose with roses - some have high petal counts in their blossoms but I've found them to be too dense - the blossoms fall forward on the stems and in bouquets; some have magnificent aromas but just don't last once cut; some have long stems; some have too many thorns; some have unbelievable colors like Mr. Lincoln (almost black). You have to take the bitter with the sweet - just like with people.

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