Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blast from the Past

Len Vopynfjord emailed me from Palm Springs. I had sent Henry, Lorraines widower, a photo of Lorraine, Eilleen and me playing in the yard at 1251. Henry was in Paraguay but sent the email on to Len. We live in wonderful times for communication. Len in turn sent me a picture of himself Lottie and Axel when Len was about 13.

When Len was about 4 Lottie and Axle had to go somewhere and they left Lennie with us for the day. Mother asked him what he liked to eat for dinner. He answered "wolf meat". My parents thought this was hilarious and they used to say this to each other for years after..if one was hungry they'd say "how about a little wolf meat?".

I have another memory of him on a car ride somewhere. He sang "Alfalfa Hay" all 100 refrains. I think we all ended up singing along - my parents with their eyes rolling of course. I guess he always sang.

We had short email exchange and he will be visiting on his way from San Diego back to Palm Springs at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to seeing him.

He asked if I had seen "My Winnipeg" - I had of course and loved it. He informed me that Guy Madden was Ross Maddens brother. Ross and I and Len car pooled together for a couple of years to the U of M.

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